F22 Hangars The Air Force was unable to meet the budget to build 15 hangars for the F-22 Fighter Jets at Elmendorf A.F.B. With innovation and new ideas, we re-worked the entire project and an 81 million dollar facility was built for $38 million, a saving of $43 million. Also, we built our 15 [...]
Executive Airpark
jrcworth@gmail.com2018-10-14T22:38:08+00:00Executive Airpark Executive Airpark is the ultimate in luxury accommodation for your corporate jet and accompanying offices. The 85,000 Sq. Ft. of hangers and offices includes 10 hangers, each capable of holding multiple corporate jets, Cessna and Piper Cubs. Each hanger and Office houses custom features and special amenities to suit the individual tenant’s [...]
Alaska Central Express
jrcworth@gmail.com2018-10-14T22:46:30+00:00Alaska Central Express A multi-use air cargo and distribution facility. Project Details 24,500 S.F.